课程中文简介(教学目的、基本要求及内容提要): 本课程通过图片及图像的拍摄技术基础的学习与训练及基础美学知识介绍,后期通过对市面占有率较高的VEDIO STUDIO(视频编辑)软件的介绍和练习,使学生初步掌握非线编技术,为今后复杂视频后期的深入学习奠定扎实基础,同时直观有效的进一步加强学生的美学教育。 要求学生有强大原动力,爱好图像拍摄及视频剪辑或全方位后期制作,具备一定相关基础,有较强自学能力,同时要求掌握摄影摄像基础美学知识。 36学时的“多媒体影像技术制作”课程,影像拍摄及视频编辑软件的应用贯穿课程全过程让学生在学习中实践,在实践中提高。其中18学时的实验训练,充分利用PPT和学生熟知景物的DEMO视频,密切联系生活,题材广泛,场景多变,用光讲究,后期效果明显;软件功能强大,包含基本剪辑、大量转场、特技和声效处理等,且界面友好,容易上手,初学者成就感强,相关专业学生可使其所学知识得以内化和提高,为专业后期的学习和深入提供轻松入门和良好基础。 课程英文简介: This curriculum based on the study of photography technique and the introduce about aesthetics background elementary knowledge, and the practice of VEDIO STUDIO, a kind of software that has a highter market share, trying to make the students fully mastered he non-linear editing technique, Laiding the groundwork for future study, and increaseing the aesthetics educatation more intuitionsticity and effectivity. The students should have an strong interesting on photography and vedio editing technique or the all aspects post production,and they must have the self-study ability,and photography aesthetics background elementary knowledge. This curriculum including 36 hours multimedia imaging and photography technique teaching and vedio editing software practicing. This curriculum also including 18 hours experimental training , making full use of PPT and DEMO vedio which is well-known to the students and close to life, widely subjects,mutable scenes, postproduction has remarkable effectivity.This software is powerful , which includs basic editing, stunt, sounds effect process and so on., it also has a friendly interface , the correlative students can improve there knowledge, and laid a groundwork for future study. |